Guest: Frederike SperlingWhat goes better with summer temperatures than a refreshing deep dive into the content of the exhibition LIMINAL SPACE RECORDS? In this episode of the podcast, the show's guest curator Frederike Sperling answers various questions about her concept and the artistic works on display by Stine Deja, Monika Grabuschnigg, Eva Papamargariti, Louise Sparre and Rowdy SS. Recommended intake: listen to the podcast either to whet your appetite for the exhibition or as a personal audio tour in the art space. We look forward to your visit until July 30!
The conversation was recorded in German.
Guest: Frederike Sperling
Host: Katharina Brandl
Editing: Marina Ninić
Opener and Mastering: Alexander Wieser | Sonobelle Recordings
Image credits: © eSeL.at